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In the Lair of the Cozy Bear:
Cyberwarfare with APT 29 Up Close and Personal — A Novel

In the Lair of the Cozy Bear (APT29) -- cover

A novel about the Russian cyberspies who hacked the DNC, The White House, The Department of State, The Pentagon, and more, and the Dutch cyberspies who watched them. Original title: In het hol van de Cozy Bear by F.W.A. van Nispen tot Pannerden

Translated from the Dutch by T.H.E. Hill.

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Translated by T.H.E. Hill, the author of
Voices Under Berlin: The Tale of a Monterey Mary

Amazon Reviews

An exceptional case study 'novel' on the Cozy Bear DNC operation
I am surprised this book doesn't have more reviews - which would be an indicator that it was more widely read. Because it should be a best seller among the IT and CYBERSEC community.

Finally, a great cyber warfare spy novel!
If Cozy Bear had been written a few years ago and government officials and politicians had heeded its warnings, modern American political history might have evolved quite differently. It was so well written and believable that I found myself researching media reports to confirm that it was just a novel--the author's imagining of events surrounding Russian hacking and penetration of White House, State Department, Pentagon, FBI, Democratic National Committee computers, plus attempts on the CIA and Republican National Committee. And the counter-hacking of the Russian hackers by Dutch intelligence.

The book is about the remarkable people who do this work. The author even puts a human face on the imaginary Russian hackers. The main character is an accomplished intelligence analyst with advanced computer and hacking skills who also speaks a number of languages. As you might expect, he doesn’t suffer fools and his rare skills and real-world accomplishments put him on the enemies list of the bureaucracy and many of his intelligence agency seniors. But a few of his bosses realize that no one else could do the job. The author makes hacker terminology and techniques understandable to the layman and makes clever use of hacker humor. You will laugh out loud. I’ve enjoyed all of Hill’s spy novels. Cozy Bear is his best.

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