The time is the 1950s, the place is Berlin
Voices Under Berlin: The Tale of a Monterey Mary
Cryptologic Contest

The encrypted message below is from The Day Before the Berlin Wall: Could We Have Stopped It? (page 112). The first three people to send the correct decryption to the contact eAddress at the bottom of this page will each receive a copy of the ASA novel Voices Under Berlin: The Tale of a Monterey Mary, signed by the author. Please use "Crypto Contest" as the subject line of your eMail.

95718 21304 70482 99246 50770 76301 19742 63991 04607 87510
31041 73013 20500 82749 43805 60115 18110 41025 75056 54704
17334 01245 53843 65030 36011 41489 04975 69569 77013 09572
89727 03043 01033 01904 04477 99492 27704 92450 95000 96502
32970 10407 19757 79733 96064 89758 44156 97801 28396 80503
97830 36121 30093 69309 22222

While hardly as difficult  as the fourth segment on the Kryptos sculpture by American artist Jim Sanborn at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), this coded message may prove entertaining to the cryptanalysts among the readers of T.H.E. Hill's novels. It is a 'paper and pencil' system of a type that was actually used by the Russians. There is enough depth for a solution.

Or try our other Cryptologic contest.

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